KLIPLA® is an innovative, external wall cladding system with a real brick slips finish. The top-quality brick slips combined with the innovative technology deliver durable façades and reduced costs of their maintenance.
With the use of brick slips, both flat and quoin, unique aesthetic value is achieved. Precision and pace of installation works, excellent thermal insulation properties and eradication of thermal bridges are among the key advantages of the innovative KLIPLA® system.
The proprietary KLIPLA® P thermal insulation board is fitted with horizontal guides to make brick slips application easier and ensure better aesthetic properties. Diamond-shaped grooving serves to create a larger bonding surface.
The cascade-patterned edges enable the boards to overlap, eradicating the effects of thermal bridges. Furthermore, the board’s low conductivity index is a guarantee of excellent thermal insulation properties.
The KLIPLA® K adhesive mortar is intended for fixing the KLIPLA®P thermal insulation boards and covering them with brick slips.
The KLIPLA® F pointing mortar is intended for pointing brick slips.
Brick façades have always been associated with traditional European architecture. Using contemporary production technologies, we can obtain brick slips with changing tint depending on light angle and intensity.
Non-conventional combinations of face colours and textures help to achieve new, original and often astonishing visual effects.
The KLIPLA®D fastener is used to transfer loads from a façade onto a wall structure. Its role is to transfer axial tensile forces, caused by the suction effect of wind, protecting the boards from coming off the wall.
Global Innovations Group B.V.
Merumerkerkweg 1
6049BX Herten
E: info@g-ig.nl
Service Office Netherlands
E: info@g-ig.nl
T: +31(0)475300735